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Repository Setup

This repository intend to provide an end-to-end template for AI Singapore's AI engineers to onboard their AI projects. Instructions for generating this template is detailed in the cookiecutter template's repository's

While this repository provides users with a set of boilerplates, here you are also presented with a linear guide on how to use them. The boilerplates are rendered and customised when you generated this repository using cookiecutter.


You can begin by following along the guide as it brings you through a simple problem statement and once you've grasp what this template has to offer, you can deviate from it as much as you wish and customise it to your needs.

Since we will be making use of this repository in multiple environments, ensure that this repository is pushed to a remote. After creating the remote repository, retrieve the remote URL and push the local repository to remote:

git init
git remote add origin <REMOTE_URL>
git add .
git config "<YOUR_AISG_EMAIL>"
git config "<YOUR_NAME>"
git commit -m "Initial commit."
git push -u origin main