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Data Storage & Versioning

Sample Data

We can generate some sample data to use to test the different components of Kapitan Hull.

mkdir -p ./data/raw && cd "$_"
echo "Test1" > data1.txt
echo "Test2" > data2.txt
echo "Test3" > data3.txt
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path .\data\raw -Force | Out-Null
Set-Location -Path .\data\raw
Set-Content -Path .\data1.txt -Value "Test1"
Set-Content -Path .\data2.txt -Value "Test2"
Set-Content -Path .\data3.txt -Value "Test3"
mkdir -p /<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/raw && cd "$_"
echo "Test1" > data1.txt
echo "Test2" > data2.txt
echo "Test3" > data3.txt

In the next section, we will work towards processing this set of raw data and eventually 'training' a dummy model.