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Software & Tooling Prerequisites

Aside from an internet connection, you would need the following to follow through with the guide:

  • NUS Staff/Student account
  • Google account with domains provisioned by AI Singapore
  • PC with the following installed:
    • If your machine is with a Windows OS, use PowerShell instead of the default Command (cmd.exe) shell. Best if you resort to Windows Terminal.
    • Pulse Secure
    • Web browser
    • Terminal
    • Git
    • Docker Engine: Client-server application for containerising applications as well as interacting with the Docker daemon.
    • miniconda (recommended) or Anaconda: Virtual environment manager. The former is the minimal installer.
    • gcloud: CLI for interacting with GCP resources.
    • kubectl: CLI for Kubernetes.
    • (Optional) helm: CLI for Kubernetes' package manager.
  • Access to a project on Google Cloud Platform. See here for more information on this.


Wherever relevant, you can toggle between the different commands that need to be executed for either Linux/macOS or the Windows environment (PowerShell). See below for an example:

# Get a list of files/folders in current directory
$ ls -la
# Get a list of files/folders in current directory
$ Get-ChildItem . -Force


If you are on Windows OS, you would need to ensure that the files you've cloned or written on your machine be with LF line endings. Otherwise, issues would arise when Docker containers are being built or run. See here on how to configure consistent line endings for a whole folder or workspace using VSCode.


Your credentials for your NUS Staff/Student account is needed to login to NUS' VPN for access to the following:

  • AI Singapore's GitLab instance
  • NUS resources

In order to interact with remote Git repositories situated on AI Singapore's GitLab instance (clone, push, fetch, etc.) outside of NUS' network or GCP (for regions asia-southeast1 and us-central1), you would need to login to NUS' VPN.


We at AI Singapore host our own GitLab server. You should be provided with a set of credentials during onboarding for access to the server.

If you would like to configure SSH access for it, you can add the following lines to your SSH config file:

    Port 2222
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<path_to_key_file>
