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MLOps Components & Platform

Components Flowchart

The images below showcase the different components that this guide will cover as well as how each of them relate to each other.


The diagrams follow the C4 model for visualising and describing software architecture.

Context View

MLOps Components Flowchart - Context View

Containers View

MLOps Components Flowchart - Containers View


We will be using Kubernetes as the underlying orchestration tool to execute pipelines and manage containerised applications and environments.

From the Kubernetes site:

Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

A number of services and applications that you will be interacting with (or deploying) are deployed (to be deployed) within a GKE cluster environment. A GKE cluster should be set up upon creation of your GCP project, viewable here. If this is not the case, please notify the MLOps team at

Some of the MLOps components which the GKE environment will be relevant for are:

  • Developer Workspace
  • Model Experimentation
  • Experiment Tracking
  • Data/Artifact Storage
  • Model Serving

What this means is that AI engineers would need to be able to access the GKE cluster. Documentation for obtaining a cluster's configuration can be found here.

kubectl Configuration for GKE

If you would like to view or create Kubernetes (GKE) resources within development environments (or even on your own local machine), you can run the following command to connect to the GKE cluster which by default your user or service account should have access to:

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials <NAME_OF_CLUSTER> --zone asia-southeast1-c --project {{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}

After obtaining the credentials and configurations for the GKE cluster, you can start to interact with the main MLOps platforms tool that you will be leveraging on for a development workspace, data preparation as well as model training.


Non-staff engineer accounts or service accounts are granted limited permissions. One would not be able to carry out certain actions with the clusters such as viewing namespaces or deleting cluster resources.


Persistent Volumes

Containers are ephemeral and what that translates to is that any data created and stored within the containers' file systems as well as any changes made to it will be gone once the container is stopped. To persist data or files, we would need to mount volumes to the containers. With the default configuration provided in this template, any services or jobs to be spun up on the MLOps platform Polyaxon will have a persistent volume attached. The volume's mount path is /polyaxon-v1-data and so anything that is stored within that path will be persisted.



Polyaxon is an MLOps platform that provides a suite of features for AI engineers to facilitate their end-to-end machine learning workflows. The platform is to be deployed on a GKE cluster; the Platforms team would have set the platform up for your team upon creation of the GCP project. AI engineers need not worry about having to administer the platform as end-consumers of the platform.

To verify if Polyaxon has been deployed on your GKE cluster, you can run the following command:

$ helm list --namespace polyaxon-v1
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                       STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
polyaxon        polyaxon-v1     X               2021-XX-XX XX:XX:XX +0800 +08 deployed        polyaxon-1.11.3 1.11.3

An output similar to the one above should be returned.

Polyaxon Dashboard

Now, let's access the dashboard for Polyaxon. Before we can interact with the platform, we have to install the Polyaxon CLI. This should ideally be done within a virtual Python environment. You can conveniently get the relevant libraries for this guide by executing the following command within the repository:

$ conda env create -f {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-conda-env.yml

At any point of time you would like to interact with the Polyaxon server, you would need port forwarding of the Polyaxon Kubernetes service to your localhost. You can do port forwarding to a port on the localhost with the Polyaxon CLI (we'll go ahead with the port 8117):

$ polyaxon port-forward --port=8117 --namespace=polyaxon-v1


The above process would occupy your current terminal. If you'd like the process to run in the background instead of opening up another terminal window/tab, you can run the following commands:

$ polyaxon port-forward --port=8117 --namespace=polyaxon-v1 & > /dev/null 2>&1 &
$ Start-Process polyaxon -ArgumentList "port-forward --port=8117 --namespace=polyaxon-v1"

However, for Linux/macOS, to end these processes that are running in the background, you cannot simply abort the process by using Ctrl + C. Do look at this resource on how to kill running (background) processes.

Open up a browser and head over to localhost:8117. You should see an interface as such:

Polyaxon v1 - Projects Dashboard

Before we can create any services or run jobs on the platform, we have to configure the host for the CLI and create a project within the platform:

$ polyaxon config set --host=http://localhost:8117
$ polyaxon project create --name {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-<YOUR_NAME>

After the command above, you should see a project with the name you've specified above in the projects dashboard.


Relevant Concepts

Before we proceed further, let's cover some basic concepts that one should know when getting started with Polyaxon.


To submit jobs or spin up services on the Polyaxon platform, users would have to make use of both the CLI as well as Polyaxon-specific config files known as Polyaxonfiles. The CLI establishes communications and connections with the Polyaxon server while Polyaxonfiles provide specification to the server for the kind of request you are making. Polyaxonfiles can be written and defined in several formats (YAML, JSON, Python, and some other languages) but in AI Singapore's context, we will be sticking with YAML. Polyaxonfile boilerplates can be found under aisg-context/polyaxon/polyaxonfiles.

Head over here for the official documentation on Polyaxonfiles.


Before you can define a job or service for Polyaxon, you would have to call upon and define a component. Hence, in every Polyaxonfile that is provided as an example, you see the following lines at the very beginning:

version: 1.1
kind: component

From the official documentation:

Component is a discrete, repeatable, and self-contained action that defines an environment and a runtime.

Essentially, a "component" is to represent a discrete aspect of your end-to-end workflow. You can have one component for your development environment, one for your data preparation pipeline, and another for your model training workflow. You can also have different components for different variations of your pipelines. However, for these workflows to be defined, we have to start with specifying a component. Shown here, you can specify various runtimes (experimentation tools) you would like to spin up on the Polyaxon server.



One example of such components is "jobs". You can run jobs for training models, data preprocessing or any generic tasks that are executable within Docker containers. Whenever you need to execute a pipeline or a one-off task, "jobs" is the right runtime to go for.



The "services" runtime is used for spinning up applications or interfaces that are to remain running until you stop the service (or an error is faced on the server's end). You can spin up services the likes of a VSCode editor that would be accessible via a browser, a Jupyter Lab server or a REST API server.


We will dive deeper into these concepts and the usage of each one of them in later sections.

Secrets & Credentials on Kubernetes

When executing jobs on Polyaxon, credentials are needed to access various services like GCR or GCS. To provide your container jobs with access to these credentials, you need to carry out the following:

  1. Download a service account key to your local machine (or obtain it from the lead engineer/MLOps team) and rename it to gcp-service-account.json. Take note of the client email detailed in the JSON file. The client email should look something like the following: <SA_CLIENT_EMAIL_FROM_SA_KEY>@{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}
  2. Create a Kubernetes secret on your Kubernetes (GKE) cluster, within the same namespace where Polyaxon is deployed: polyaxon-v1.
  3. Configure Polyaxonfiles to refer to these secrets.

Before creating the secrets, do check if they already exist first:

$ kubectl get secret --namespace=polyaxon-v1 | grep -E 'gcp-imagepullsecrets|gcp-sa-credentials'
$ kubectl get secret --namespace=polyaxon-v1 | Select-String "gcp-imagepullsecrets"
$ kubectl get secret --namespace=polyaxon-v1 | Select-String "gcp-sa-credentials"

Here are the commands to be executed for creating the secrets:

$ kubectl create secret docker-registry gcp-imagepullsecrets \
  --docker-server= \
  --docker-username=_json_key \
  --docker-email=$SA_CLIENT_EMAIL \
  --docker-password="$(cat $PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE)" \
$ kubectl create secret generic gcp-sa-credentials \
  --from-file $PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE \
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry gcp-imagepullsecrets `
  --docker-server= `
  --docker-username=_json_key `
  --docker-email=$SA_CLIENT_EMAIL `
  --docker-password='$(cat $PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE)' `
$ kubectl create secret generic gcp-sa-credentials `
  --from-file $PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE `

Make sure that the Polyaxonfiles for the jobs and services that requires your service account credentials have the following configurations (these snippets are included in the rendered Polyaxonfiles by default):

  - name: SA_CRED_PATH
    description: Path to credential file for GCP service account.
    isOptional: true
    type: str
    value: /var/secret/
  kind: job
    imagePullSecrets: ["gcp-imagepullsecrets"]
    - name: gcp-service-account
        secretName: "gcp-sa-credentials"
      - name: gcp-service-account
        mountPath: /var/secret/

By configuring and specifying the secrets in your Polyaxonfiles like the above, you would be able to utilise the gcloud or gsutil commands within your containerised jobs/services. Here are some examples:

  • use private Docker images from GCR to spin up jobs/services on Polyaxon
  • uploading model artifacts to GCS buckets within model training jobs
  • interact with GKE cluster(s) within Polyaxon jobs/services


Google Container Registry

AI Singapore's emphases on reproducibility and portability of workflows and accompanying environments translates to heavy usage of containerisation. Throughout this guide, we will be building Docker images necessary for setting up development environments, jobs for the various pipelines and deployment of the predictive model.

Within the context of GCP, the Google Container Registry (GCR) will be used to store and version our Docker images. Following authorisation to gcloud, you can view the image repositories of your project's registry like so: {% if cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'No' %}

$ gcloud container images list{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}
{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}
$ gcloud container images list{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}
{% endif %} You will be pushing the Docker images to the aforementioned repository.
