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Data Storage & Versioning

So we now have our development environment. However, the data for us to conduct EDA and predictive modeling on is nowhere in sight.

Since the context of this guide is within the Google Cloud Platform, we will be making use of its Google Cloud Storage service for remote and object storage.

In most cases, raw data for 100E projects provided by the project sponsors are uploaded to GCS through AI Singapore's in-house tool for uploading data: UDP. When data is uploaded to GCS through UDP, a GCS bucket is populated with timestamped directories containing whatever raw that was uploaded.

For example, assuming your GCP project ID is ai-proj-aut0, a GCS bucket with a similar name like ai-proj-aut0 should exist. The tree in the bucket can look something like this:

└── ai-proj-aut0
    ├── 20211214_1109568/
    ├── 20211214_1110821/
    ├── 20211214_1448200/
    └── 20211214_1449172/

The subdirectories are timestamps indicative of the time that the raw data was added to GCS. A question that follows is how do we get the data into the persistent storage that's accessible by Polyaxon's jobs and services? Well, let's go back to the VSCode environment to use the integrated terminal.

From this section, we've learned how to set up authorisation for gcloud to use the service account credentials we have attached to the service containers. This means that we can use gsutil to pull in data from a GCS bucket.

$ mkdir -p /polyaxon-v1-data/workspaces/<YOUR_NAME>/data/ai-proj-aut0 && cd "$_"
$ gsutil -m rsync -r gs://ai-proj-aut0 .

The -m flag is to utilise parallel synchronisation which would speed things up and the -r concerns recursion through a bucket/directory.

Now, when a new set of raw data has been uploaded, a new subdirectory will appear in the bucket. Say the tree now looks like the following:

└── ai-proj-aut0
    ├── 20211215_0952332/
    ├── 20211214_1109568/
    ├── 20211214_1110821/
    ├── 20211214_1448200/
    └── 20211214_1449172/

To retrieve that new set of raw data i.e. the folder 20211215_0952332, just run the same command in the relevant folder again:

$ cd /polyaxon-v1-data/workspaces/<YOUR_NAME>/data/ai-proj-aut0
$ gsutil -m rsync -r gs://ai-proj-aut0 .

The gsutil utility will synchronise the directory in the persistent storage with the remote object storage/bucket. With that said, do not place your processed data directory within this same directory containing all the raw data lest you'd lose the processed data upon sychronisation. Let the directory for raw data contain just raw data.

Processed/Intermediary Data

As mentioned, raw data for 100E projects are located in a default GCS bucket within each GCP project, usually with the convention gs://<GCP_PROJECT_ID>-aut0. However, that default bucket should only contain raw data. Each project should create a separate GCS bucket for processed or any other form of data.

Say one would like to create a GCS bucket with the name {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-proc-data, the following command can be used:

$ gsutil mb -p {{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}} -c STANDARD -l ASIA-SOUTHEAST1 -b on gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-proc-data
Creating gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-proc-data/...


Something to take note for the future is that GCS buckets are to adhere to the naming guidelines set by GCP, one of which is that bucket names must be globally unique. See here for more information on naming guidelines for GCS buckets. DO look into the naming conventions for GCS objects here as well.

Sample Data

While you may have your own project data to work with, for the purpose of following through with this template guide, let's download the sample data for the sample problem statement at hand.


The sample data for this guide's problem statement is made accessible to the public. Hence any team or individual can download it. It is highly likely that your project's data is not publicly accessible and neither should it be, especially if it is a 100E project.

$ mkdir -p /polyaxon-v1-data/workspaces/<YOUR_NAME>/data/acl-movie-review-data-aisg && cd "$_"
$ gsutil -m rsync -r gs://acl-movie-review-data-aisg .

In the following section, we will work towards processing the raw data and eventually training a sentiment classifier model.
