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Assuming we have a predictive model that we are satisfied with, we can serve it within a REST API service with which requests can be made to and predictions are returned.

Python has plenty of web frameworks that we can leverage on to build our REST API. Popular examples include Flask, Django and Starlette. For this guide however, we will resort to the well-known FastAPI (which is based on Starlette itself).


Model Artifacts

Seen in "Model Training" , we have the trained models uploaded to GCS through the MLflow Tracking server (done through autolog). With that, we have the following pointers to take note of:

  • By default, each MLflow experiment run is given a unique ID.
  • When artifacts are uploaded to GCS through MLflow, the artifacts are located within directories named after the unique IDs of the runs.
  • This guide by default uploads your artifacts to the following directory on GCS: gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server.
  • Artifacts for specific runs will be uploaded to a directory with a convention similar to the following: gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server/<MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_UUID>.
  • This guide by default uploads your artifacts to the following directory on GCS: gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}.
  • Artifacts for specific runs will be uploaded to a directory with a convention similar to the following: gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/<MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_UUID>.
  • With this path/URI, we can use gsutil to download the predictive model from GCS into a mounted volume when we run the Docker image for the REST APIs.

Now that we have established on how we are to obtain the models for the API server, let's look into the servers themselves.

Model Serving (FastAPI)

FastAPI is a web framework that has garnered much popularity in recent years due to ease of adoption with its comprehensive tutorials, type and schema validation, being async capable and having automated docs, among other things. These factors have made it a popular framework within AI Singapore across many projects.

If you were to inspect the src folder, you would notice that there exist more than one package:

  • {{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}
  • {{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}_fastapi

The former contains the modules for executing pipelines like data preparation and model training while the latter is dedicated to modules meant for the REST API. Regardless, the packages can be imported by each other.


It is recommended that you grasp some basics of the FastAPI framework, up till the beginner tutorials for better understanding of this section.

Let's try running the boilerplate API server on a local machine. Before doing that, identify from the MLflow dashboard the unique ID of the experiment run that resulted in the predictive model that you would like to serve.

MLflow - Dashboard Run View

With reference to the example screenshot above, the UUID for the experiment run is 7251ac3655934299aad4cfebf5ffddbe. Once the ID of the MLflow run has been obtained, let's download the model that we intend to serve. Assuming you're in the root of this template's repository, execute the following commands:

$ export PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI="gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server/$PRED_MODEL_UUID"
$ gsutil cp -r $PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI ./models
$ $PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI="gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server/$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID"
$ gsutil cp -r $PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI .\models

{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}

$ export PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI="gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/$PRED_MODEL_UUID"
$ gsutil cp -r $PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI ./models
$ $PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI="gs://{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-artifacts/mlflow-tracking-server/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID"
$ gsutil cp -r $PRED_MODEL_GCS_URI .\models

{% endif %} Executing the commands above will download the artifacts related to the experiment run <MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_UUID> to this repository's subdirectory models. However, the specific subdirectory that is relevant for TensorFlow to load will be ./models/<MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT_UUID>/artifacts/model/data/model. Let's export this path to an environment variable:


See here for more information on the SavedModel format that TensorFlow uses for exporting trained models through the function call

$ export PRED_MODEL_PATH="$PWD/models/$PRED_MODEL_UUID/artifacts/model/data/model"
$ $Env:PRED_MODEL_PATH="$(Get-Location)\models\$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID\artifacts\model\data\model"

Local Server

Run the FastAPI server using Gunicorn (for Linux/macOS) or uvicorn (for Windows):


Gunicorn is only executable on UNIX-based or UNIX-like systems, this method would not be possible/applicable for Windows machine.

$ conda activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}
$ cd src
$ gunicorn {{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}_fastapi.main:APP -b -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker

See here as to why Gunicorn is to be used instead of just Uvicorn. TLDR: Gunicorn is needed to spin up multiple processes/workers to handle more requests i.e. better for the sake of production needs.

$ conda activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}
$ cd src
$ uvicorn {{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}_fastapi.main:APP

In another terminal, use the curl command to submit a request to the API:

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -X POST -d '{"reviews": [{"id": 9176, "text": "This movie is quite boring."}, {"id": 71, "text": "This movie is awesome."}]}' \
$ curl.exe '-H', 'Content-Type: application/json', '-H', 'accept: application/json', `
    '-X', 'POST', '-d', `
    '{\"reviews\": [{\"id\": 9176, \"text\": \"This movie is quite boring.\"}, {\"id\": 71, \"text\": \"This movie is awesome.\"}]}', `

With the returned JSON object, we have successfully submitted a request to the FastAPI server and it returned predictions as part of the response.

Pydantic Settings

Now you might be wondering, how does the FastAPI server knows the path to the model for it to load? FastAPI utilises Pydantic, a library for data and schema validation, as well as settings management. There's a class called Settings under the module src/{{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}_fastapi/ This class contains several fields: some are defined and some others not. The fields PRED_MODEL_UUID and PRED_MODEL_PATH inherit their values from the environment variables.


class Settings(pydantic.BaseSettings):

    API_NAME: str = "{{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}_fastapi"
    API_V1_STR: str = "/api/v1"
    LOGGER_CONFIG_PATH: str = "../conf/base/logging.yml"


FastAPI automatically generates interactive API documentation for easy viewing of all the routers/endpoints you have made available for the server. You can view the documentation through <API_SERVER_URL>:<PORT>/docs. In our case here, it is viewable through localhost:8080/docs. It will look like such:

FastAPI - OpenAPI Docs

Docker Container

We now look into packaging the server within a Docker image. This process of containerising the server isn't just for the sake of reproducibility but it makes it easier for the server to be deployed on any server/infrastructure that can run a Docker container. A boilerplate Dockerfile is provided to containerise the FastAPI server:

$ export GCP_PROJECT_ID={{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}
# Ensure that you are in the root of the repository
$ docker build \
    -t$GCP_PROJECT_ID/fastapi-server:0.1.0 \
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$PRED_MODEL_UUID" \
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-fastapi.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ $GCP_PROJECT_ID='{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}'
# Ensure that you are in the root of the repository
$ docker build `
    -t$GCP_PROJECT_ID/fastapi-server:0.1.0 `
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID" `
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-fastapi.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .

{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}

$ export GCP_PROJECT_ID={{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}
# Ensure that you are in the root of the repository
$ docker build \
    -t$GCP_PROJECT_ID/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/fastapi-server:0.1.0 \
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$PRED_MODEL_UUID" \
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-fastapi.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ $GCP_PROJECT_ID='{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}'
# Ensure that you are in the root of the repository
$ docker build `
    -t$GCP_PROJECT_ID/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/fastapi-server:0.1.0 `
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID" `
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-fastapi.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .

{% endif %} The Docker build command above requires an argument to be passed and it is basically the same unique MLflow run ID that was used above. The ID would then be used to create environment variables that would persist beyond the build time. When the container is being run, these environment variables would be used by the entrypoint script (scripts/fastapi/ to download the relevant predictive model into the mounted volumes and be referred to by the FastAPI Pydantic models.

Let's try running the Docker container now:

# First make the `models` folder accessible to user within Docker container
$ sudo chgrp -R 2222 models
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 \
    --name fastapi-server \
    -v <PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/ \
    -v $PWD/models:/home/aisg/from-gcs \
    --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/var/secret/ \$GCP_PROJECT_ID/fastapi-server:0.1.0
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 `
    --name fastapi-server `
    -v "<PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\models:/home/aisg/from-gcs" `
    --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/var/secret/" `$GCP_PROJECT_ID/fastapi-server:0.1.0

{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}

# First make the `models` folder accessible to user within Docker container
$ sudo chgrp -R 2222 models
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 \
    --name fastapi-server \
    -v <PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/ \
    -v $PWD/models:/home/aisg/from-gcs \
    --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/var/secret/ \$GCP_PROJECT_ID/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/fastapi-server:0.1.0
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 `
    --name fastapi-server `
    -v "<PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\models:/home/aisg/from-gcs" `
    --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/var/secret/" `$GCP_PROJECT_ID/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/fastapi-server:0.1.0

{% endif %} Let's go through a couple of the flags used above:

  • --rm: Automatically stops the container when it exits or when you stop it.
  • -p: This binds port 8080 of the container to port 8080 of the host machine.
  • -v: Bind mounts files or directories from the host machine to the container. In this case, we are mounting the SA file and the models folder to the container. The SA file is needed for gsutil to download the model from GCS and the models folder will persist the downloaded models.
  • --env: This sets environment variables within the container.

Use the same curl command for the server spun up by the container:

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -X POST -d '{"reviews": [{"id": 9176, "text": "This movie is quite boring."}, {"id": 71, "text": "This movie is awesome."}]}' \
$ curl.exe '-H', 'Content-Type: application/json', '-H', 'accept: application/json', `
    '-X', 'POST', '-d', `
    '{\"reviews\": [{\"id\": 9176, \"text\": \"This movie is quite boring.\"}, {\"id\": 71, \"text\": \"This movie is awesome.\"}]}', `

To stop the container:

$ docker container stop fastapi-server

Push the Docker image to the GCR: {% if cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'No' %}

$ docker push$GCP_PROJECT_ID/fastapi-server:0.1.0
{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}
$ docker push$GCP_PROJECT_ID/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/fastapi-server:0.1.0
{% endif %} With this Docker image, you can spin up a VM (Compute Engine instance) that has Docker installed and run the container on it for deployment. You can also deploy the image within a Kubernetes cluster for ease of scaling.

Deploy to GKE


As this mode of deployment would take up resources in a long-running manner, please tear it down once you've gone through this part of the guide. If you do not have the right permissions, please request assistance from your team lead or the administrators.

To deploy the FastAPI server on GKE, you can make use of the sample Kubernetes manifest files provided with this template:

$ kubectl apply -f aisg-context/k8s/model-serving-api/fastapi-server-deployment.yml --namespace=polyaxon-v1
$ kubectl apply -f aisg-context/k8s/model-serving-api/fastapi-server-service.yml --namespace=polyaxon-v1

To access the server, you can port-forward the service to a local port like such:

$ kubectl port-forward service/fastapi-server-svc 8080:8080 --namespace=polyaxon-v1
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}

$ kubectl port-forward service/fastapi-server-{{cookiecutter.author_name.replace('_', '-')}}-svc 8080:8080 --namespace=polyaxon-v1
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080

{% endif %} You can view the documentation for the API at http://localhost:8080/docs. You can also make a request to the API like so:

$ curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -X POST -d '{"reviews": [{"id": 9176, "text": "This movie is quite boring."}, {"id": 71, "text": "This movie is awesome."}]}' \
$ curl.exe '-H', 'Content-Type: application/json', '-H', 'accept: application/json', `
    '-X', 'POST', '-d', `
    '{\"reviews\": [{\"id\": 9176, \"text\": \"This movie is quite boring.\"}, {\"id\": 71, \"text\": \"This movie is awesome.\"}]}', `


Please tear down the deployment and service objects once they are not required.

$ kubectl delete fastapi-server-deployment --namespace=polyaxon-v1
$ kubectl delete fastapi-server-svc --namespace=polyaxon-v1

{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}

$ kubectl delete fastapi-server-{{cookiecutter.author_name.replace('_', '-')}}-deployment --namespace=polyaxon-v1
$ kubectl delete fastapi-server-{{cookiecutter.author_name.replace('_', '-')}}-svc --namespace=polyaxon-v1

{% endif %} If you do not have the right permissions, please request assistance from your team lead or the administrators.
