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Batch Inferencing

Some problem statements do not warrant the deployment of an API server but instead methods for conducting batched inferencing where a batch of data is provided to a script and the script churns out a set of predictions, perhaps exported to a file.

This template provides a Python script (src/ as well as an accompanying Dockerfile (docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-batch-inferencing.Dockerfile) for a containerised execution.

Let's first download some data for us to conduct batch inferencing on:

$ mkdir data/batched-input-data
$ cd data/batched-input-data
$ gsutil -m rsync -r gs://aisg-mlops-pub-data/aclImdb_v1/detached/unsup .

To execute the script locally:

# Navigate back to root directory
$ cd ../..
$ export PRED_MODEL_PATH="$PWD/models/$PRED_MODEL_UUID/artifacts/model/data/model"
$ conda activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}
$ python src/ \
    inference.model_path=$PRED_MODEL_PATH \
# Navigate back to root directory
$ cd ..\..
$ $Env:PRED_MODEL_PATH="$(Get-Location)\models\$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID\artifacts\model\data\model"
$ conda activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}
$ python src/ `
    inference.model_path="$Env:PRED_MODEL_PATH" `

The parameter inference.input_data_dir assumes a directory containing .txt files containing movie reviews. At the end of the execution, the script will log to the terminal the location of the .jsonl file (batch-infer-res.jsonl) containing predictions that look like such:

{"time": "2022-01-06T06:40:27+0000", "filepath": "/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data/1131_2.txt", "logit_prob": 0.006387829780578613, "sentiment": "negative"}
{"time": "2022-01-06T06:40:27+0000", "filepath": "/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data/11020_3.txt", "logit_prob": 0.0041103363037109375, "sentiment": "negative"}
{"time": "2022-01-06T06:40:27+0000", "filepath": "/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data/11916_3.txt", "logit_prob": 0.023626357316970825, "sentiment": "negative"}
{"time": "2022-01-06T06:40:27+0000", "filepath": "/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data/3129_2.txt", "logit_prob": 0.00018364191055297852, "sentiment": "negative"}
{"time": "2022-01-06T06:40:27+0000", "filepath": "/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data/2444_4.txt", "logit_prob": 3.255962656112388e-05, "sentiment": "negative"}

The results are exported to a subdirectory within the outputs folder. See here for more information on outputs generated by Hydra.

To use the Docker image, first build it:

$ docker build \
    -t{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/batch-inference:0.1.0 \
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$PRED_MODEL_UUID" \
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-batch-inferencing.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker build `
    -t{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/batch-inference:0.1.0 `
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID" `
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-batch-inferencing.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .

{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}

$ docker build \
    -t{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/batch-inference:0.1.0 \
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$PRED_MODEL_UUID" \
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-batch-inferencing.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker build `
    -t{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/batch-inference:0.1.0 `
    --build-arg PRED_MODEL_UUID="$Env:PRED_MODEL_UUID" `
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-batch-inferencing.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .

{% endif %} Similar to how the predictive models are defined for the FastAPI servers' images, PRED_MODEL_UUID requires the unique ID associated with the MLflow run that generated the predictive model that you wish to make use of for the batch inferencing.

After building the image, you can run the container like so:

$ sudo chgrp -R 2222 outputs
$ docker run --rm \
    --env INPUT_DATA_DIR=/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data \
    -v <PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/ \
    -v $PWD/models:/home/aisg/from-gcs \
    -v $PWD/outputs:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/outputs \
    -v $PWD/data/batched-input-data:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data \{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/batch-inference:0.1.0
$ docker run --rm `
    --env INPUT_DATA_DIR=/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data `
    -v "<ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\models:/home/aisg/from-gcs" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\outputs:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/outputs" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\data\batched-input-data:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data" `{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/batch-inference:0.1.0

{% elif cookiecutter.gcr_personal_subdir == 'Yes' %}

$ sudo chgrp -R 2222 outputs
$ docker run --rm \
    --env INPUT_DATA_DIR=/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data \
    -v <ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/ \
    -v $PWD/models:/home/aisg/from-gcs \
    -v $PWD/outputs:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/outputs \
    -v $PWD/data/batched-input-data:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data \{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/batch-inference:0.1.0
$ docker run --rm `
    --env INPUT_DATA_DIR=/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data `
    -v "<ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\models:/home/aisg/from-gcs" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\outputs:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/outputs" `
    -v "$(Get-Location)\data\batched-input-data:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data" `{{cookiecutter.gcp_project_id}}/{{cookiecutter.author_name}}/batch-inference:0.1.0

{% endif %} In the docker run command above we are passing two variables: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and INPUT_DATA_DIR. The former allows the container's entrypoint to download the predictive model specified from GCS when the container starts. The latter will be fed to the script's parameter: inference.input_data_dir. 4 volumes are attached to the container for persistence as well as usage of host files and directories.

  • -v <PATH_TO_SA_JSON_FILE>:/var/secret/ This attaches the JSON file for the service account credentials to the Docker container.
  • -v $PWD/models:/home/aisg/from-gcs: The models downloaded to the host machine can be used by the container after being mounted to /home/aisg/from-gcs.
  • -v $PWD/outputs:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/outputs: This is for persisting the batch inferencing outputs to the outputs folder on the host machine.
  • -v <PATH_TO_DIR_CONTAINING_TXT_FILES>:/home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/data: To provide the container with access to the data that is on the host machine, you need to mount the directory containing the text files for inferencing.
