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Development Workspace

An advantage presented by orchestration platforms is that you can utilise the Kubernetes cluster's resources for your development and engineering works instead of your own resources.

We can make use of Run:ai workspaces to spin up VSCode or JupyterLab servers with which cluster resources can be dedicated.

While there exist the option for engineers to set up either a VSCode or JupyterLab service (or both), the former would suffice. Reason being VSCode is an excellent code editor with integrated terminal capabilities and it can also work with Jupyter notebooks. JupyterLab on the other hand, while being the best interface for Jupyter notebooks, has subpar UX for its terminal and code editor. That is to be expected however as it is dedicated to the Jupyter ecosystem.

Workspace Building Blocks

Run:ai workspaces relies on an abstration layer of building blocks. These building blocks allows for reusable setups where separate configuration can be mixed and match to provide end-users with their ideal setup.

Every workspace intance are built using the following building blocks:

On top of using and reusing building blocks that have existed prior, you may create your own which in turn can be used by other users.

Do refer to Run:ai's documentation on more information for each of these building blocks.


Prebuilt VSCode Server

Every end-user of Run:ai would be able to quickly spin up a VSCode server workspace using prebuilt blocks. While the steps for creating a workspace are detailed on Run:ai's documentation, listed below are the recommended environment, compute resource, and data source that you may make use of to spin up your first VSCode workspace, in the context of AI Singapore's infrastructure.

  • Workspace name: <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-vscode

  • Environment: aisg-vscode-server-v4-16-1

  • Compute Resource: cpu-mid

  • Data Source: The persistent volume claim (PVC) that is dedicated to your project. For a project named sample-project, you may make use of sample-project-pvc.

Once you have selected the blocks, you can proceed to create the workspace and you will be redirected to the workspaces page. On this page, you may view the status of the workspace that you have just created.

Run:ai Dashboard - Workspaces Page Post VSCode

Once the workspace is active (indicated by a green status), you may access the workspace by clicking on the CONNECT button and choosing VSCode. This will open up a new browser tab for the VSCode server, accessible through a URL that follows the following convention: <NAME_OF_PROJECT>-<NAME_OF_WORKSPACE> However, you cannot access the VSCode interface just yet; you will prompted for a password.

Run:ai - VSCode Server Login

To retrieve the password, head over to your terminal and run the following command:

$ runai exec <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-vscode -p {{cookiecutter.runai_proj_name}} -- cat /home/coder/.config/code-server/config.yaml
auth: password
password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
cert: false
$ runai exec <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-vscode -p {{cookiecutter.runai_proj_name}} -- cat /home/coder/.config/code-server/config.yaml
auth: password
password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
cert: false

Copy the value for the password field into the prompt on the browser and you should be directed to the VSCode server welcome tab.

Run:ai - VSCode Server Welcome

However, the default folder that your VSCode server is accessing is the home directory of the container's user, which is /home/coder. Since a container's filesystem is ephemeral, we have to make use of a persistent storage. Otherwise, any changes written within the container's filesystem will be lost once the container is terminated. For persistence, we look into using a persistent volume claim, which if you have followed the recommendations above, a PVC would have been mounted to the container.


Persistent Workspaces

As mentioned, a PVC should be attached to the workspaces to persist changes to the filesystems. If a PVC is attached, the usual path to access it would be /<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>. For example, if the name of the data source is called sample-project-pvc, the path to the PVC that has been mounted to the container would be /sample-project-pvc.

$ ls -la / | grep "pvc"

By default, the PVCs would contain a workspaces directory with which you can create a subdirectory for yourself treat it as your own personal workspace, where all your work and other relevant assets can be persisted.

$ cd /{{cookiecutter.runai_proj_name}}_pvc/workspaces

Git from VSCode

To clone or push to Git repositories within the VSCode integrated terminal, it is recommended that you first disable VSCode's Git authentication handler:

Git by default is installed in the VSCode server image. One thing to take note is that as the persistent storage would be accessible by the rest of your project team members, you should only use the HTTPS protocol to clone the repository as opposed to creating and using an SSH key within the VSCode server.

Now, let's clone your repository from the remote:

$ cd /{{cookiecutter.runai_proj_name}}/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>
$ git clone <REMOTE_URL_HTTPS>
$ cd {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}

Extensions for VSCode

You can install a multitude of extensions for your VSCode service but there are a couple that would be crucial for your workflow, especially if you intend to use Jupyter notebooks within the VSCode environment.


Do head over here on how to enable the usage of virtual conda environments within VSCode.

Customising VSCode Server

The prebuilt VSCode image was built using a Dockerfile which can be found in this repository at docker/vscode-server/vscode-server.Dockerfile. The Dockerfile was customised by the MLOps team at AI Singapore to include tools deemed relevant for machine learning development, in the context of the organisation's tech stack and infrastructure.

Aside from the server itself, here are some of the tools that are included in the image:

  • Git
  • Miniconda
  • kubectl
  • Helm

Often times, project teams would like to further customise the VSCode server image to their liking. One can edit the Dockerfile and build the custom image:

$ docker build \
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/vscode-server-custom:0.1.0 \
    -f docker/vscode-server/vscode-server.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/vscode-server-custom:0.1.0
$ docker build `
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/vscode-server-custom:0.1.0 `
    -f docker/vscode-server/vscode-server.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/vscode-server-custom:0.1.0



Setting up of a JupyterLab server is optional and not needed as a VSCode server is sufficient as a developer workspace. Resources are limited so use only what you need.

Prebuilt JupyterLab Server

While Jupyter Notebooks are viewable, editable and executable within a VSCode environment, most are still more familiar with Jupyter's interface for interacting with or editing notebooks. We can spin up a JupyterLab using the following recommended blocks:

  • Workspace name: <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-jupyterlab

  • Environment: aisg-jupyterlab-server-0-1-0

  • Compute Resource: cpu-mid

  • Data Source: The PVC that is dedicated to your project. For a sample project, you may make use of sample-project-pvc.


Under the Environment block, there is an expandable section called More settings. Under this section, you can provide more arguments for a container that will be spun up for the workspace. For the JupyterLab interface to be able to access any PVC mounted to the container, you should include the following argument: --NotebookApp.notebook_dir="/path/to/pvc".

Once you have selected the blocks, you can proceed to create the workspace and you will be redirected to the workspaces page. On this page, you may view the status of the workspace that you have just created.

Run:ai Dashboard - Workspaces Page Post JupyterLab

Once the workspace is active (indicated by a green status), you may access the workspace by clicking on the CONNECT button and choosing Jupyter. This will open up a new browser tab for the VSCode server, accessible through a URL that follows the following convention: <NAME_OF_PROJECT>-<NAME_OF_WORKSPACE> However, you cannot access the JupyterLab interface just yet; you will prompted for a token.

Run:ai - JupyterLab Server Login

To retrieve the token, head over to your terminal and run the following command:

$ runai logs <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-jupyterlab -p  {{cookiecutter.runai_proj_name}} | grep "lab?token"
[I YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss ServerApp]
$ runai logs <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-jupyterlab -p  {{cookiecutter.runai_proj_name}} | Where-Object{$_ -match "lab?token"}
[I YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss ServerApp]

Copy the token value into the prompt on the browser and you should be directed to a view like such:

Run:ai - JupyterLab Server Welcome



Do head over here on how to enable the usage of virtual conda environments within JupyterLab.

Customising JupyterLab Server

Of course, like with the VSCode server, one can work on a customised JupyterLab server image. The Dockerfile for the prebuilt JupyterLab server as well as any associated files can be found under docker/jupyterlab-server:

$ docker build \
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/jupyterlab-server-custom:0.1.0 \
    -f docker/jupyterlab-server/jupyterlab-server.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/jupyterlab-server-custom:0.1.0
$ docker build `
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/jupyterlab-server-custom:0.1.0 `
    -f docker/jupyterlab-server/jupyterlab-server.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/jupyterlab-server-custom:0.1.0

Using Docker within Kubernetes


Since these development environments are essentially pods deployed within a Kubernetes cluster, using Docker within the pods themselves is not feasible by default and while possible, should be avoided.
