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Job Orchestration

Even though we can set up development workspaces to execute jobs and workflows, these environments often have limited access to resources. To carry out heavier workloads, we encourage the usage of job orchestration features that Run:ai offers.

Jobs are submitted to the Kubernetes cluster through Run:ai and executed within Docker containers. Using the images specified upon job submission, Kubernetes pods are spun up to execute the entry points or commands defined, tapping on to the cluster's available resources.

Any jobs that are submitted to Run:ai can be tracked and monitored through Run:ai's dashboard.

Pipeline Configuration

In this template, Hydra is the configuration framework of choice for the data preparation and model training pipelines (or any pipelines that doesn't belong to the model serving aspects).

The configurations for logging, pipelines and hyperparameter tuning can be found under conf/base. These YAML files are then referred to by Hydra or general utility functions (src/{{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}/ for loading of parameters and configurations. The defined default values can be overridden through the CLI.


It is recommended that you have a basic understanding of Hydra's concepts before you move on.


Data Preparation & Preprocessing

To process the sample raw data, we will be spinning up a job on Run:ai, using the CLI. This job will be using a Docker image that will be built from a Dockerfile (docker/{{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}-data-prep.Dockerfile) provided in this template:

$ docker build \
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:0.1.0 \
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-data-prep.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:0.1.0
$ docker build `
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:0.1.0 `
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-data-prep.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:0.1.0

Now that we have the Docker image pushed to the registry, we can submit a job using that image to Run:ai:

$ runai submit \
    --job-name-prefix <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-data-prep \
    -i {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:0.1.0 \
    --working-dir /<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}} \
    --cpu 2 \
    --memory 4G \
    --command -- '/bin/bash -c "source activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} && python src/ process_data.raw_data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/mnist-pngs-data-aisg process_data.processed_data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/processed/mnist-pngs-data-aisg-processed"'
$ runai submit `
    --job-name-prefix <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-data-prep `
    -i {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:0.1.0 `
    --working-dir /<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}} `
    --cpu 2 `
    --memory 4G `
    --command -- "/bin/bash -c 'source activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} && python src/ process_data.raw_data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/mnist-pngs-data-aisg process_data.processed_data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/processed/mnist-pngs-data-aisg-processed'"

After some time, the data processing job should conclude and we can proceed with training the predictive model. The processed data is exported to the directory /<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/processed/mnist-pngs-data-aisg-processed. We will be passing this path to the model training workflows.

Model Training

Now that we have processed the raw data, we can look into training the sentiment classification model. The script relevant for this section is src/ In this script, you can see it using some utility functions from src/{{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}/ as well, most notably the functions for utilising MLflow utilities for tracking experiments. Let's set up the tooling for experiment tracking before we start model experimentation.

Experiment Tracking

In the module src/{{cookiecutter.src_package_name}}/, the functions mlflow_init and mlflow_log are used to initialise MLflow experiments as well as log information and artifacts relevant for a run to a remote MLflow Tracking server. An MLflow Tracking server is usually set up within the Run:ai project's namespace for projects that requires model experimentation. Artifacts logged through the MLflow API can be uploaded to ECS buckets, assuming the client is authorised for access to ECS.


The username and password for the MLflow Tracking server can be retrieved from the MLOps team or your team lead.

To log and upload artifacts to ECS buckets through MLflow, you need to ensure that the client has access to the credentials of an account that can write to a bucket.


Container for Experiment Job

Before we submit a job to Run:ai to train our model, we need to build the Docker image to be used for it:

$ docker build \
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0 \
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-model-training.Dockerfile \
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0
$ docker build `
    -t {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0 `
    -f docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-model-training.Dockerfile `
    --platform linux/amd64 .
$ docker push {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0

Now that we have the Docker image pushed to the registry, we can run a job using it:

$ runai submit \
    --job-name-prefix <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-train \
    -i {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0 \
    --working-dir /home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}} \
    --cpu 2 \
    --memory 4G \
    -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=SECRET:s3-credentials,accessKeyId \
    -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=SECRET:s3-credentials,secretAccessKey \
    --command -- '/bin/bash -c "source activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} && python src/ train_model.data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/processed/mnist-pngs-data-aisg-processed train_model.setup_mlflow=true train_model.mlflow_tracking_uri=<MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI> train_model.mlflow_exp_name=<NAME_OF_DEFAULT_MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT> train_model.model_checkpoint_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/models train_model.epochs=3"'
$ runai submit `
    --job-name-prefix <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-train `
    -i {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0 `
    --working-dir /home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}} `
    --cpu 2 `
    --memory 4G `
    -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=SECRET:s3-credentials,accessKeyId `
    -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=SECRET:s3-credentials,secretAccessKey `
    --command -- "/bin/bash -c 'source activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} && python src/ train_model.data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/processed/mnist-pngs-data-aisg-processed train_model.setup_mlflow=true train_model.mlflow_tracking_uri=<MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI> train_model.mlflow_exp_name=<NAME_OF_DEFAULT_MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT> train_model.model_checkpoint_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/models train_model.epochs=3'"

Once you have successfully run an experiment, you may inspect the run on the MLflow Tracking server. Through the MLflow Tracking server interface, you can view the metrics and parameters logged for the run, as well as download the artifacts that have been uploaded to the ECS bucket. You can also compare runs with each other.

MLflow Tracking Server - Inspecting Runs


Every job submitted with runai submit is assigned a unique ID, and a unique job name if the --job-name-prefix is used. The mlflow_init function within the module tags every experiment name with the job's name and UUID as provided by Run:ai, with the tags job_uuid and job_name. This allows you to easily identify the MLflow experiment runs that are associated with each Run:ai job. You can filter for MLflow experiment runs associated with a specific Run:ai job by using MLflow's search filter expressions and API.



If your project has GPU quotas assigned to it, you can make use of it by specifying the --gpu flag in the runai submit command. As part of Run:ai's unique selling point, you can also specify fractional values, which would allow you to utilise a fraction of a GPU. This is useful for projects that require a GPU for training, but do not require the full capacity of a GPU.

Hyperparameter Tuning

For many ML problems, we would be bothered with finding the optimal parameters to train our models with. While we are able to override the parameters for our model training workflows, imagine having to sweep through a distribution of values. For example, if you were to seek for the optimal learning rate within a log space, we would have to execute runai submit a myriad of times manually, just to provide the training script with a different learning rate value each time. It is reasonable that one seeks for ways to automate this workflow.

Optuna is an optimisation framework designed for ML use-cases. Its features includes:

  • ease of modularity,
  • optimisation algorithms for searching the best set of parameters,
  • and paralellisation capabilities for faster sweeps.

In addition, Hydra has a plugin for utilising Optuna which further translates to ease of configuration. To use Hydra's plugin for Optuna, we have to provide further overrides within the YAML config, and this is observed in conf/base/pipelines.yaml:

  - override hydra/sweeper: optuna
  - override hydra/sweeper/sampler: tpe

      seed: 55
    direction: ["minimize", "maximize"]
    study_name: "image-classification"
    storage: null
    n_trials: 3
    n_jobs: 1
    params: range(0.9,1.7,step=0.1)
      train_model.gamma: choice(0.7,0.8,0.9)

These fields are used by the Optuna Sweeper plugin to configure the Optuna study.


The fields defined are terminologies used by Optuna. Therefore, it is recommended that you understand the basics of the tool. This overview video covers well on the concepts brought upon by Optuna.

Here are the definitions for some of the fields:

  • params is used to specify the parameters to be tuned, and the values to be searched through
  • n_trials specifies the number of trials to be executed
  • n_jobs specifies the number of trials to be executed in parallel

As to how the training script would work towards training a model with the best set of parameters, there are two important lines from two different files that we have to pay attention to.


    return curr_test_loss, curr_test_accuracy


    direction: ["minimize", "maximize"]

In the training script the returned variables are to contain values that we seek to optimise for. In this case, we seek to minimise the loss and maximise the accuracy. The hydra.sweeper.direction field in the YAML config is used to specify the direction that those variables are to optimise towards, defined in a positional manner within a list.

An additional thing to take note of is that for each trial where a different set of parameters are concerned, a new MLflow run has to be initialised. However, we need to somehow link all these different runs together so that we can compare all the runs within a single Optuna study (set of trials). How we do this is that we provide each trial with the same tag to be logged to MLflow (hptuning_tag) which would essentially be the date epoch value of the moment you submitted the job to Run:ai. This tag is defined using the environment value MLFLOW_HPTUNING_TAG. This tag is especially useful if you are executing the model training job out of the Run:ai platform, as the JOB_NAME and JOB_UUID environment variables would not be available by default.

$ runai submit \
    --job-name-prefix <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-train \
    -i {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0 \
    --working-dir /home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}} \
    --cpu 2 \
    --memory 4G \
    -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=SECRET:s3-credentials,accessKeyId \
    -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=SECRET:s3-credentials,secretAccessKey \
    -e MLFLOW_HPTUNING_TAG=$(date +%s) \
    --command -- '/bin/bash -c "source activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} && python src/ --multirun train_model.data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/processed/mnist-pngs-data-aisg-processed train_model.setup_mlflow=true train_model.mlflow_tracking_uri=<MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI> train_model.mlflow_exp_name=<NAME_OF_DEFAULT_MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT> train_model.model_checkpoint_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/models train_model.epochs=3"'
$ runai submit `
    --job-name-prefix <YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>-train `
    -i {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:0.1.0 `
    --working-dir /home/aisg/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}} `
    --cpu 2 `
    --memory 4G `
    -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=SECRET:s3-credentials,accessKeyId `
    -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=SECRET:s3-credentials,secretAccessKey `
    -e MLFLOW_HPTUNING_TAG=$(Get-Date -UFormat %s -Millisecond 0) `
    --command -- "/bin/bash -c 'source activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} && python src/ --multirun train_model.data_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/data/processed/mnist-pngs-data-aisg-processed train_model.setup_mlflow=true train_model.mlflow_tracking_uri=<MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI> train_model.mlflow_exp_name=<NAME_OF_DEFAULT_MLFLOW_EXPERIMENT> train_model.model_checkpoint_dir_path=/<NAME_OF_DATA_SOURCE>/workspaces/<YOUR_HYPHENATED_NAME>/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/models train_model.epochs=3'"

MLflow Tracking Server - Hyperparameter Tuning Runs
