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Continuous Integration & Deployment

This template presents users with a base configuration for a GitLab CI/CD pipeline. In this section, the guide aims to provide readers with some basic understanding of the pipeline defined in the configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml.

That being said, readers would certainly benefit from reading up on introductory CI/CD concepts as introduced by GitLab's Docs.

GitHub Flow

The defined pipeline assumes a GitHub flow which only relies on feature branches and a main (default) branch.

AISG's GitHub Flow Diagram

With reference to the diagram above, we have the following pointers:

  • We make use of feature branches (git checkout -b <NAME_OF_BRANCH>) to introduce changes to the source.
  • Merge requests are made when we intend to merge the commits made to a feature branch to main.
  • While one works on a feature branch, it is recommended that changes pushed to the main are pulled to the feature branch itself on a consistent basis. This allows the feature branch to possess the latest changes pushed by other developers through their own feature branches. In the example above, commits from the main branch following a merge of the add-hidden-layer branch are pulled into the change-training-image branch while that branch still expects further changes.
  • The command git pull can be used to pull and sync these changes. However, it's recommended that developers make use of git fetch and git log to observe incoming changes first rather than pulling in changes in an indiscriminate manner.
  • While it's possible for commits to be made directly to the main branch, it's recommended that they are kept minimal, at least for GitHub flow (other workflows might not heed such practices).

As we move along, we should be able to relate parts of the flow described above with the stages defined by the default GitLab CI pipeline.

Environment Variables

Before we can make use of the GitLab CI pipeline, we would have to define the following variable(s) for the pipeline beforehand:

  • HARBOR_ROBOT_CREDS_JSON: A JSON formatted value that contains encoded credentials for a robot account on Harbor. This is to allow the pipeline to interact with the Harbor server. See here on how to generate this value/file.

To define CI/CD variables for a project (repository), follow the steps listed here. The environment variable HARBOR_ROBOT_CREDS_JSON needs to be a File type.

Docker Configuration File for Accessing Harbor

The variable HARBOR_ROBOT_CREDS_JSON will be used to populate the files /kaniko/.docker/config.json and /root/.docker/config.json for kaniko and crane to authenticate themselves before communicating with AI Singapore's Harbor registry. You may create the JSON file like so:

$ $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($cred)
$ $base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
$ echo $base64

Using the output from above, copy and paste the following content into a CI/CD environment variable of type File (under Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables -> Add variable):

        "auths": {
                "": {
                        "auth": "<ENCODED_OUTPUT_HERE>"

GitLab UI - Set File Variable under CI/CD Settings


Stages & Jobs

In the default pipeline, we have 3 stages defined:

  • test: For every push to certain branches, the source code residing in src will be tested.
  • build: Assuming the automated tests are passed, the pipeline will build Docker images, making use of the latest source.
  • deploy-docs: This stage is for the purpose of deploying a static site through GitLab Pages. More on this stage is covered in "Documentation".

These stages are defined and listed like so:

  - test
  - build
  - deploy-docs

The jobs for each of the stages are executed using Docker images defined by users. For this, we have to specify in the pipeline the tag associated with the GitLab Runner that has the Docker executor. In our case, the tag for the relevant runner is dind. The on-prem tag calls for runners within our on-premise infrastructure so on-premise services can be accessed within our pipelines.

    - dind
    - on-prem

Automated Testing & Linting

Let's look at the job defined for the teststage first:

  stage: test
    name: continuumio/miniconda:4.7.12
    - conda env create -f {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-conda-env.yaml
    - source activate {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}
    - pylint src --fail-under=7.0 --ignore=tests --disable=W1202
    - pytest src/tests
        - src/**/*
        - conf/**/*
    - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push"
    - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
      when: never

First of all, this test:pylint-pytest job will only execute on the condition that the defined rules are met. In this case, the job will only execute for the following cases:

  • For any pushes to any branch.
  • For pushes to branches which merge requests have been created, tests are executed only if there are changes made to any files within src or conf are detected. This is to prevent automated tests from running for pushes made to feature branches with merge requests when no changes have been made to files for which tests are relevant. Otherwise, tests will run in a redundant manner, slowing down the feedback loop.
  • If the push action is associated with a tag (git push <remote> <tag_name>), the job will not run.

The job defined above fails under any of the following conditions:

  • The source code does not meet a linting score of at least 7.0.
  • The source code fails whatever tests have been defined under src/tests.

The job would have to succeed before moving on to the build stage. Otherwise, no Docker images will be built. This is so that source code that fail tests would never be packaged.


Automated Builds

The template has thus far introduced a couple of Docker images relevant for the team. The tags for all the Docker images are listed below:

  • {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep
  • {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training

The build stage aims at automating the building of these Docker images in a parallel manner. Let's look at a snippet for a single job that builds a Docker image:

  stage: build
    entrypoint: [""]
    - mkdir -p /kaniko/.docker
    - cat $HARBOR_ROBOT_CREDS_JSON > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
    - >-
      --context "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}"
      --dockerfile "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-data-prep.Dockerfile"
      --destination "{{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA}"
        - docker/{{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-data-prep.Dockerfile
        - src/**/*
        - conf/**/*


You would have noticed that the jobs for building images utilise the command /kaniko/executor as opposed to docker build which most users would be more familiar with. This is due to the usage of kaniko within a runner with a Docker executor. Using Docker within Docker (Docker-in-Docker) requires privileged mode that poses several security concerns. Hence, the image is being used for all build jobs related to building of Docker images. That being said, the flags used for kaniko corresponds well with the flags usually used for docker commands.

Just like with the test job, the each of the jobs under build will execute under certain conditions:

  • If a push is being done to a branch which has a merge request opened, a check would be done to see if any changes were made to folders like src, conf, scripts, or the relevant Dockerfile itself. If there are changes, the job will be executed. An opened merge request is detected through the predefined variable CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID.
  • If a push is being made to the default branch (CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH) of the repo, which in most cases within our organisation would be main, the job would execute as well. Recalling the test stage, any pushes to the repo would trigger the automated tests and linting. If a push to the main branch passes the tests, all Docker images will be built, regardless of whether changes have been made to files relevant to the Docker images to be built themselves.

Images built through the pipeline will be tagged with the commit hashes associated with the commits that triggered it. This is seen through the usage of the predefined variable CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA.



As mentioned, pushes to the default branch would trigger builds for Docker images and they would be tagged with the commit hash. However, such commit hashes aren't the best way to tag "finalised" Docker images so the usage of tags would be more appropriate here. Hence, for the job defined below, it would only trigger if a tag is pushed to the default branch and only the default branch. The tag pushed (say through a command like git push <remote> <tag>) to the default branch on the remote would have the runner retag the Docker image that exists on Harbor with the tag that is being pushed. The relevant images to be retagged are originally tagged with the short commit hash obtained from the commit that was pushed to the default branch before this.

  stage: build
    entrypoint: [""]
    - cat $HARBOR_ROBOT_CREDS_JSON > /root/.docker/config.json
    - crane auth login
    - crane tag {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/data-prep:${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA} ${$CI_COMMIT_TAG}
    - crane tag {{cookiecutter.harbor_registry_project_path}}/model-training:${CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA} ${$CI_COMMIT_TAG}



The stages and jobs defined in this default pipeline is rudimentary at best as there is much more that could be done with GitLab CI. Some examples off the top:

  • automatically generate reports for datasets that arrive in regular intervals
  • submit model training jobs following triggers invoked by the same pipeline
  • automate the deployment of the FastAPI servers to Kubernetes clusters

There's much more that can be done but whatever has been shared thus far is hopefully enough for one to get started with CI/CD.