How do I enhance my end-to-end workflow?#

Contributor(s): Syakyr Surani, Platforms Engineer & Ryzal Kamis, Assistant Head (MLOps)

This guide assumes that you have built a basic end-to-end workflow and want to scale up your workflow while increasing robustness and reliability. If you want to know more about building a basic workflow instead, then you can go to this section instead.

As per from that section, this flowchart describes the typical end-to-end workflow of an AI project:

flowchart TD cicd(CI/CD) datastorage[(Data/Artifact Storage & Governance)] verctl[(Version Control)] devwspace[Developer Workspace] modelexp(Model Experimentation) modelreg[(Model Registry)] contreg[(Container Registry)] exptrack(Experiment & Pipeline Tracking) modelserv[(Model Serving)] modelmon(Model Monitoring) style cicd fill:#bbf style modelreg fill:#bbf style contreg fill:#bbf style exptrack fill:#bbf style modelmon fill:#bbf cicd <---> modelexp datastorage <---> modelexp datastorage <---> modelreg datastorage <-.-> verctl verctl <.-> modelreg verctl --> devwspace verctl <---> contreg devwspace --> modelexp modelexp --> modelreg modelexp <---> contreg modelexp ---> exptrack modelreg ---> modelserv contreg <--> modelserv modelserv ---> modelmon

This section deals with the other components and processes that are present in this workflow, but not the simplified version in the other section.

Artifact Storage & Governance#

Artifacts pertain to data that are not used in training the models in your project. This can be your configuration settings, logs, etc. On the other hand, data and artifact governance refers to the authentication and authorisation protocols that are discussed previously in the Developer Workspace section.


Continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment processes pertain to the automation of various processes within the workflow itself. While this would benefit end-to-end workflows greatly, it is not implemented within many ML/DL projects due to its complexity and time needed to design an effective CI/CD process. If you do want to know more about CI/CD, you can refer to this section instead.

Model Registry#

This could be seen as a version control for models to manage problems such as model drifting and retraining. You may need this component as your project scales up, and you need to manage multiple models within the project as well as across multiple projects that may use the same model(s). This component would also make A/B testing easier since you could reference multiple versions of the same model to gauge any improvements a new version may provide.

Container Registry#

Containers such as Docker abstracts the codebase while providing a sandbox to reduce dependency conflicts while making component management easier. This allows better scaling and modularity by setting manageable blocks according to their use case instead of by just the products themselves. However, you should take note whether your project requirements allow containerisation as some policies within your organisation/client may be against this process due to the overheads it may have, especially if the project does not require to be designed for scaling.

Experiment, Pipeline & Model Monitoring/Tracking#

The experiment and pipeline tracking as well as model monitoring can be seen as similar components that target different processes. Experiment and pipeline tracking focuses more towards monitoring the models as they are being trained, and from there, decisions are being made through controlling the hyperparameters of the model, or use a different model architecture altogether.

On the other hand, model monitoring concerns overseeing the trained models and see whether issues are present while it is used for inference such as model drifting. These metrics would be collected and processed to make decisions such as controlling data input requirements or retraining the model.

Final Thoughts#

There are many more components and processes that could be part of your end-to-end workflow that are not discussed in this as well as the basic workflow sections, but the ones that are discussed should be sufficient for you to build a robust and reliable AI end-to-end workflow. If you want to know more about this and MLOps in general, you can take a look at for more insight.
