How do I assess model robustness?#

Contributor(s): Kew Wai Marn, AI Engineer

Overview of Machine Learning Risks#

Risks of machine learning (ML) systems can come from data, model, and/or infrastructure. According to the architectural risk analysis by the Berryville Institute of Machine Learning, the top risk is adversarial examples. This is when an attacker tries to fool the system by giving malicious input in the form of small perturbations that cause mispredictions. These perturbations are derived from a model’s vulnerabilities, which are areas where the model fails to perform; ie. predict incorrectly.

Apart from intentional attacks, risks can also come from intrinsic design flaws which can similarly lead to incorrect predictions.

What is ML Robustness?#

According to Singapore’s Model AI Governance Framework, ML robustness is defined as whether the system can function with unexpected inputs. The ability of the model to perform with unexpected inputs affects the reliability of the ML system. Unexpected inputs can be from adversarial or non-adversarial origin.

It is important to consider ML robustness, because non-robust models can fail unexpectedly. For example, consider a road sign detection model deployed in an autonomous vehicle. Misclassify a stop sign as a speed limit sign could result in life-threatening consequences.

Adversarial Robustness#

It is important to consider adversarial robustness, because adversarial examples are the top risk to ML systems (as mentioned earlier). Adverserial robustness is defined in terms of the minimal perturbation value that the attacker must introduce for a successful attack (ie. model fails to infer correctly with adversarial input). If a model is adversarially robust, it will require more pertubations for a sucessful attack. It is important to note that there are many other metrics that can be used to measure adversarial robustness (CLEVER, loss sensitivity, etc.).

Non-adversarial Robustness#

On the other hand, apart from attacks, the ML model itself could be flawed (not able to perform as it should be). Unexpected inputs, mentioned in the definition above, can be quite ambiguous. One type of unexpected inputs can be out-of-distribution (OOD) data. OOD data are data that has a different distribution from your training data but is still within the problem scope where it might appear in production. For example, images from a different camera of the same brand.

This risk can be reduced if data representativeness was considered in the data collection phase, as mentioned in Chapter 1.

Robustness Testing#

One way to ensure robust ML systems is to do robustness testing, where we can anticipate the robustness of the models using adversarial examples and OOD data.

For adversarial robustness testing, the goal is to test how resilient the model is to adversarial examples, or how easily adversarial examples can be created from the model.

For non-adversarial robustness testing, the goal is to test where the model fails using OOD data.

There are two ways to obtain OOD data: either collect from another source, or to generate it by applying metamorphic mutation. Metamorphic mutation comes from software testing, where we mutate data that was inferred correctly by the model in a way that does not change the label (label-preserving mutations); eg. horizontally flip an image.

For text, it is slightly trickier as valid mutations depend on your model’s objective. For example, adding typos would be a valid mutation if your model is supposed to be invariant on typos ie. not a spell checker.

For tabular data, mutation strategies are currently still under active research.

Robustness Testing Tools#

Here are some tools you can try for specific types of data, model and task:


Data Type

Model Type

Task Type (Nature of model output)

IBM ART, Adversarial

Generally arrays of numeric data (i.e. Images, Audio), but is attack specific

Any for black box attacks, specific model type for specific white box attacks

Attack-specific, Mainly classification

TextAttack, Adversarial


Any for black box attacks. specific model type for specific white box attacks

Classification, Sequence-to-sequence

Microsoft CheckList. Non-adversarial

Any arbitrary format (as the mutation functions can be user-defined). Only some text mutations supported in tool.


Any (as the expectation functions can be user-defined)

When To Perform Robustness Testing?#

Using the robustness testing tools, you can test your model in the CI/CD pipeline, at the same level as model evaluation, to get a good evaluation of your model. Just like unit testing or integration testing, you only need to set it up once. With every new retraining, you can compare the robustness between model versions.

Words of Caution#

The goal of robustness testing is to find areas where your model does not perform, and improve on them, rather than deciding whether the model is robust or not robust. There is always a need for comparison between models versions (especially for adversarial robustness testing). Testing the robustness of one model does not tell you anything other than where it fails. Lastly, you might find that standard accuracy might have a trade off with robustness, this is still (as of writing) an area under research.
