How do I build a basic end-to-end workflow?#

Contributor(s): Syakyr Surani, Platforms Engineer & Ryzal Kamis, Assistant Head (MLOps)

This guide assumes that you know basic data engineering and ML/DL modelling, and you want to start to build a workflow so that you have a working AI-powered product at the end of the project.

What Does It Mean to Have an End-to-End Workflow#

When you started learning about ML, most likely you were only taught to train a model or perhaps to clean the data before training. Having an end-to-end workflow means you have a birds-eye view on the whole project from conception to deployment. This means you can delegate tasks better and diagnose issues much more effectively rather than overhauling the whole project when something unexpected happens and renders the project undeployable or unusable.

The flowchart below describes a typical end-to-end workflow of an ML project:

flowchart TD cicd(CI/CD) datastorage[(Data/Artifact Storage & Governance)] verctl[(Version Control)] devwspace[Developer Workspace] modelexp(Model Experimentation) modelreg[(Model Registry)] contreg[(Container Registry)] exptrack(Experiment & Pipeline Tracking) modelserv[(Model Serving)] modelmon(Model Monitoring) style cicd fill:#bbf style modelreg fill:#bbf style contreg fill:#bbf style exptrack fill:#bbf style modelmon fill:#bbf cicd <---> modelexp datastorage <---> modelexp datastorage <---> modelreg datastorage <-.-> verctl verctl <.-> modelreg verctl --> devwspace verctl <---> contreg devwspace --> modelexp modelexp --> modelreg modelexp <---> contreg modelexp ---> exptrack modelreg ---> modelserv contreg <--> modelserv modelserv ---> modelmon

However, if you’re just starting out in building an end-to-end workflow for your project, this simplified flowchart would be more suitable:

flowchart TD datastorage[(Data Storage)] verctl[(Version Control)] devwspace[Developer Workspace] modelexp(Model Experimentation) modelserv[(Model Serving)] datastorage <---> modelexp datastorage <-.-> verctl verctl --> devwspace devwspace --> modelexp modelexp ---> modelserv

This guide will focus more on the simplified flowchart. If you are looking for what the components represent in the typical end-to-end workflow but not present in the simplified one, you can refer to this section instead.

Data Storage#

This pertains to storing the lifeblood of all ML/DL projects, of which it is paramount that you know how and where to store data, and that you are able to identify raw and processed data. Raw data is defined as data that is obtained from primary sources such as temperature sensors, while processed data is defined as data that is augmented by algorithm(s) or from another ML/DL model.

It is also important that you know how the product is to be designed, such as how data is being fed into the model, or through a pre-processing algorithm first. You could ingest the data either locally or remotely, and remote options differ between using object storage for blob-like data such as image and audio files, database storage for text data, of which it may be structured (SQL, etc.) or unstructured (NoSQL, JSON, etc.).

Understanding different types of data storage is important since the data that you may be given may not be suitable to be fed into the model directly. For example, you might be given a compressed folder of Excel sheets, but directly processing them before feeding into the model may be suboptimal when you could parallise both processes and possibly reducing training time. This may also make resuming work easier since there are more checkpoints between the raw data and the model itself.

You can check this section for more information on data storage options.

Version Control#

Most, if not all, codebases benefit from version control to reduce errors by rolling back changes to a known working source. You may already have been exposed to it through GitHub or GitLab, which are the leading platforms for source code management especially for open source projects. Understanding how to use version control effectively would make the end-to-end workflow easier.

For AI practitioners such as ourselves, there is also a subset of version control that targets toward datasets, which you may read this article for more information.

Developer Workspace#

A workspace is the easiest to understand within the workflow, but can also be quite complex, especially pertaining to authentication and authorisation protocols that your organisation, or client, may have. Some reasons may be due to data being sensitive, the machine being airgapped, or that the code must be compatible with legacy hardware that you cannot interact directly with. Therefore, you may need to check with your project objectives and guidelines to see whether you may need to deploy a remote developer workspace as part of your project infrastructure depending on those protocols.

Model Experimentation#

This is the main part, of which the workflow is designed around on. A well-designed workflow would make this process run more smoothly since you would not have the need to change the codebase drastically when any one of the other components have to change due to external events beyond your control.

Model Serving#

This may well be the end goal for most, if not all, ML/DL projects. Typical tutorials would usually just end it with the model to be served locally through script execution, more mature projects would require a remote callable API since processes are usually interacted between machines rather than only within one machine. These APIs may usually use either the REST or gRPC protocol. You would have to decide which method is more suitable for your project.

Final Thoughts#

There are many components and processes that can be part of your project’s end-to-end workflow, but if you are starting out on the development process, this guide has recommended the processes you would want to focus on before expanding on other quality-of-life improvements that are described in this section instead.
